Thursday, May 19, 2011

Santacruzan Parade at Perpetual Succour Hospital May 19, 2011

 Assembly outside the hospital

 Children dressed up for the Santacruzan parade

 Kythe Foundation Coordinator Shalom (left) with Kythe volunteer Mrs. Edna Mayola

 Mrs. Agnes co of HAPI-C with Mrs. Edna Mayola, a volunteer of Kythe Foundation

 Inside the chapel at Perpetual Succour Hospital

 HAPI-C & Kythe children at a special Santacruzan ceremony after holy mass

 New hemophilia patient John Paul Navasquez with festive angel wings

 HAPI-C members who participated in Santacruzan

 HAPI-C members with Sr. Lydia Merino of Perpetual Succour Hospital

 Mark Jenson Bequilla (right) with his sister (center) dressed up as 
angels and the rest of the Bequilla family

 Sr. Lucilla Perpiñan (center) at the snacks buffet prepared after the parade

 A snacks buffet for the Santacruzan parade just outside the PSH Cancer Institute

 The Bequilla children with their grandmother and Mrs. Agnes Co

 Little angels and their family after the parade and mass

 A child cancer patient with her regal red hair and gown

 MArk Jenson Bequilla (left) with his sisters and cousins

Mrs. Agnes Co (HPAI-C), Mrs. Edna Mayola (Kythe), 
Dr. Lynda Mae Lepatan, and Mrs. Margie Durano (Kythe)
after the event